The Benefits of a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

Do you ever wonder why your dentists, Dr. Carly Locsey, recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush? If so, our dental team is happy to help you. By knowing more about the soft-bristled toothbrush, you can know why it’s best to use it. Today, we would be happy to list the advantages of using a soft-bristled toothbrush, which are: -The soft bristles... read more »

How Cheese Helps Your Teeth

Were you aware that the foods you eat can affect the health of your teeth? It’s true! We’ve got some awesome news to share with you today: one of the world’s most beloved foods is on the list of foods okay to eat! Keep reading to find out additional about this oral superfood and how it can toughen and guard... read more »

Focus Your Oral Health Care on Halitosis Treatments & Prevention

If you are suffering from bad breath, in most cases it can be easily treated. However, bad breath can also be caused by underlying health conditions, which first must be cared for and eliminated before bad breath can be adequately treated. To help determine what is causing your bad breath, be aware of your lifestyle habits, your health care cleaning... read more »

Lingering Complications from Tooth Loss Might Be Address with a Dental Bridge

Each of your teeth plays an important purpose in your mouth. This includes processing food for safe swallowing, as well as certain aspects of speech and the appearance of your smile. Each tooth also plays an important structural role in helping to hold its neighbors in their intended position and alignment. When a tooth is lost to a severe cavity,... read more »

Fluoride: How it Works

Fluoride is a mineral that is found naturally in the Earth’s crust. It strengthens and nourishes your tooth enamel and gives you a stronger and healthier smile. But do you ever wonder why? Well, our dentist, Dr. Carly Locsey, is happy to tell you why by explaining how fluoride works. When you expose your teeth to fluoride (by brushing with... read more »

Extracting a Tooth

Although dental medicine has progressed by leaps and bounds over the years, there are still occasions in which one or more teeth need to be extracted. An extraction may be needed to make room for orthodontics, to relieve a crowded mouth, or to address problems associated with wisdom teeth. At times, a tooth may be so damaged by trauma or... read more »

The Implications of Oral Piercings

An oral piercing is a term for any piercing of the tongue, lips or cheek for the use of jewelry embellishments. These piercings have become trendy in some social circles. If you are thinking about getting such a piercing, however, you need to know first how it might harm your dental health. -Infection: Jewelry can be the vehicle for foreign... read more »

First Aid for Dental Emergencies

Life can be an uncertain proposition. Slips, trips, falls, and other accidents can occur anywhere, and at any time. If they affect your mouth and teeth, that can add an extra level of stress. You may ask yourself “How bad is the damage?” “Can anyone see it?” “How long will I have to look like this?” “ Can this even... read more »

Caring for Your Dental Implant

Congratulations on your new dental implants! Implants are a great way to get a full and healthy smile, and your implants should last for a long time if you are committed to caring for them. It may be true that your implants will not get cavities, since they are not natural teeth. However, as part of your mouth, they will... read more »

Advice about Dentures

Do you have gaps in your smile and are interested in having a fully functional set of teeth? If so, dentures are a highly effective tooth replacement option that can fill any gap you have, large or small, giving you a functional smile that is easy to care for. If you are only missing a few teeth, partial dentures can... read more »